Nice! Great flow Mickey. Who's this directed to exactly? I didn't seem to have caught it (if it was mentioned. :p) Lastly, the beat seemed to have quieted down when the 1st verse started. Why's that? Great job all in all! :)
Nice! Great flow Mickey. Who's this directed to exactly? I didn't seem to have caught it (if it was mentioned. :p) Lastly, the beat seemed to have quieted down when the 1st verse started. Why's that? Great job all in all! :)
I dunno who it's directed at; he/she hides.
Ya, I was sloppy when I was mixing, good ear.
Thanks for the words SnoCane!
Not bad. Could do with a mix 'n master though...
Aah, true, but I made this on a smartphone app called "Nanoloop" so the mastering options were more limited:P I'll work on it though, thanks for the input
Not bad. I felt like this could've used a B Section. Other than that, 'twas very soothing. What's the sample? (Assuming it *is* a sample.)
Im not sure, i have a library of samples on my hard drive that ive built over a few years. lol. theres thousands of samples in there
Nice! Loved the use of the Amen. :)
I'm all about the Amen :)
Nice! Loved the odd time sig vibe this gave off. Really diggin' your sound. Got a vocalist? I feel like this could benefit from some. My two cents. Thank you! Also, I came here for DLXRev's keyboard sounds. None to be found but still impressed. :) 5/5 10/10
what are you talking about? He's in there...
Hm. This is nice. It's a little repetitive though. I didn't hear any differences in melody for the majority of the track... All the instruments seemed to be playing off of one central riff.
In other aspects, this is mastered really well. Well done! You should try and switch up the melody on your next track. Would make it sound that much better.
4/5 8/10
Okay thanks I will try to work on my melodies and also work on not to make it to repetive ;)
Not bad. Mind if I sample this?
Thanks! Yeah feel free to sample it, just credit me and send me a link to the finished product. Good luck
Nice! Lovin' the overall feel of the track. As with some of the previous reviewers I agree that the change at 1:23 is a little messed. Fix that, and I'll give this a 5. Love the lyrics. I do think you could've done a little more on the lyrics end though. I'm not very good at whole-hearted reviews so I think I'll just end it here. Gonna go check out some more of your choons. Keep it up!
Damn, thanks bro. Means alot to me. I will see into fixing that and crossfading it as Kor Rune said. That seems like the best plan. Right now I'm getting ready for a new windows install cus my hard drives are borked to shit and im lucky that im even able tO back shit up onto my server at this point since ive waited way too long ignoring hard disk errors.
That was nice. Got that broody feel. Think I might micro-sample this. I'd sample bars but the peaking.... ugh. Great track overall though, you should do this again. :)
Sorry about the peaking. I'll most likely share a more polished version in the future.
Nice! I love classical-type music. Hits me 'right there.' Wish it was longer... Mind if I sample this?
8/10 4/5
I don't mind.
ジョシー・スノー An Avante-garde Hip Hop producer encompassing many different influences from all corners of the world, Libby Shimmz seeks to open minds and provoke thoughtful discussions on what Music is, what it can be and where it is headed.
Age 31, Female
Murray High School
Salt Lake City, Utah
Joined on 10/10/12