Nice! Loved the use of the Amen. :)
Nice! Loved the use of the Amen. :)
I'm all about the Amen :)
Nice! Loved the odd time sig vibe this gave off. Really diggin' your sound. Got a vocalist? I feel like this could benefit from some. My two cents. Thank you! Also, I came here for DLXRev's keyboard sounds. None to be found but still impressed. :) 5/5 10/10
what are you talking about? He's in there...
Cool beat.
Nice. Really getting a burial feel from this. The crackle, the beat, everything else. My only quip with this is that the bass-ish sound that appears at 1:33 doesn't go well with the track. Too harsh imo. Other than that, I loved this.
Dope bro. Love the chops. Get a J Dilla vibe from this. Nice!
Hm. This is nice. It's a little repetitive though. I didn't hear any differences in melody for the majority of the track... All the instruments seemed to be playing off of one central riff.
In other aspects, this is mastered really well. Well done! You should try and switch up the melody on your next track. Would make it sound that much better.
4/5 8/10
Okay thanks I will try to work on my melodies and also work on not to make it to repetive ;)
Not bad. Would have been better if you would've used a different snare. Is that a faint apache break in the background? Nice. Dug the vocal samples. What're they from? Nice overall, just don't use a stock FL snare next time. I suggest the 'Amen'.
7/10 3/5
Damn... This is dope. You should definitely extend this. Love the scratching. 10/10 5/5
Not bad. Mind if I sample this?
Thanks! Yeah feel free to sample it, just credit me and send me a link to the finished product. Good luck
ジョシー・スノー An Avante-garde Hip Hop producer encompassing many different influences from all corners of the world, Libby Shimmz seeks to open minds and provoke thoughtful discussions on what Music is, what it can be and where it is headed.
Age 31, Female
Murray High School
Salt Lake City, Utah
Joined on 10/10/12