God, I wish looping worked on mobile because this is dope as fuck Zoo!
God, I wish looping worked on mobile because this is dope as fuck Zoo!
Wordplay abounds! So boundless it's bound to come around to all these clowns, eh?
I love the way it wraps back around to the beginning by going backwards. Straight genius fire!
This knocks the balls right outta left field!
Dope sitar. Dem flutes doe, top notch shit.
I don't dig the snare personally, but the other elements pick up more than enough slack.
5/5 10/10
Sucks that dick.....
Tastes like Technics...
Vinyl acetate be tasty!
You rock this shit Teq!
Keep on it!
5/5 10/10
Thank you for your comment. It's the only one I've gotten out of my last 3 songs lol WAAAAAHHHHHH
The amience reminds me of burial. This would go great with a horror movie. Nice work!
Dooope! I haven't heard the original, but from hearing Brad rap in the past (still waitin' on him to release his verses on my Black Cat beat, slacker!) I feel as if his vocals have been pitched up. Maybe I'm slackin' and his voice has changed since he released the OG version of this.
Fuck it, I'mma peep the old one to see how it compares, be right back.....
Oh, it was an acapella and a new verse at that.
Kudos and mad props on bringing his barsz to life Dureagon!
As far as the beat is concerned, I dig the geetar (if that's what that is...) It's very soulful, but also kind of jazzy. Diggin' the drum loop too, I think I have that hi-hat in the center channel, a pretty common hi-hat I'll bet.
You sure know how to bring out the vibez!
5/5 10/10
Dope ish mang!
I'm going to sample and remix this, make no doubt about that. Be on tha lookout!
Now to figure out whether or not I want it over an olskool sample beat or a nu-trap beat, haha.
That hook is gold!
I thought the first verse was Teq at first and was curious as to why his voice sounded different than what I usually hear, haha.
Dope bars all around.
That drawn out ad-lib at the end is a homage to that snooty horse-faced character in Family Guy when chris goes to that private school innit? Hahahahaha.
Actually, if anything, it was an homage to ODB from his Return to The 36th Chamber album. Thanks for the review man!
Dooope! I will now initiate a prowling of your page.
That snare is HOT, where can I get it?
ジョシー・スノー An Avante-garde Hip Hop producer encompassing many different influences from all corners of the world, Libby Shimmz seeks to open minds and provoke thoughtful discussions on what Music is, what it can be and where it is headed.
Age 31, Female
Murray High School
Salt Lake City, Utah
Joined on 10/10/12